We imagine a world in which children and young people fully experience life, feeling loved and valued by their families and communities, and are empowered to make meaningful contributions.

Pie chart with six equal segments: one, image of God; two, gift from God; three, developing; four, dependent; five, models of faith; six, partners in mission

We believe that children and young people:

  • are made in the image of God and are a gift from God.
  • are intricately made and should be treasured. This means we should value them.
  • are also dependent yet developing. This means they need our guidance, care and protection.
  • are natural models of faith and called by God to join his mission of redemption and reconciliation. This means we should give space to them to participate, co-create and co-lead in serving God and others with their unique set of gifts, talents and skills.

Read more: 


Explore resources for Sunday schools, youth groups and all-age worship:


International Day of Children and Young People

Every year The Salvation Army celebrates the International Day of Children and Young People on the last Sunday of April. In 2025 this is Sunday 27 April. 

This year, the Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory has created resources for all ages:


Youth and Children's Section at International Headquarters

The Youth and Children’s Section at International Headquarters (IHQ) supports and strengthens The Salvation Army around the world in its work among children and young people through:

  • identifying and sharing good practices, like discipleship programmes, around the world
  • sharing and creating resources, such as children's programmes and our Faith Talks card game
  • connecting youth secretaries, for example by creating zonal meetings with youth leaders
  • giving young people a voice through the International Children and Young People Advisory Group
  • supporting territories in increasing youth participation.

Contact the team at youthandchildren@salvationarmy.org.

International Children and Young People Advisory Group

The Salvation Army believes that children and young people are a gift to families and communities and should be seen, heard and valued. They must be given space to contribute.

The International Children and Young People Advisory Group (ICYAG) is made up of 40 young people aged between 13 and 30. Living in countries all around the world, group members meet online and take part in surveys to share their ideas, concerns and recommendations with The Salvation Army. 

Members discuss the topics that matter to them, as well as responding to requests from teams at IHQ. Recent discussion topics have included:

  • sexuality and relationships
  • mental health
  • theology of children and young people
  • the environment.

The ICYAG is led by Fernanda Rivera from Mexico Territory, who serves as chair, and Grace Moir from the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory, who serves as vice-chair.

For more information about ICYAG contact youthandchildren@salvationarmy.org.

Sponsorship, child protection and youth participation around the world

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